Exceptional Student Education

Educational programs and services for students with special learning needs. This is sometimes referred to as special education.

Exceptional Student Education (ESE)

Exceptional Student Education is defined as those students who are at risk. "At risk" is defined as students who are likely to fail in either school or life (Frymier, 1988) without the proper accommodations. In most classrooms, there are students who do not achieve at the same level as the majority of their classmates. Difficulties emerge when they do not have the necessary skills to perform a specific task. Daily school tasks become laborious, and the at-risk students refrain from maintaining a level of achievement that leads to automatic, efficient learning. Providing accommodations and individualized education is the goal of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004. It is the goal of The Learning Curve Academy to provide these accommodations in the most personalized way so that students, rather than being frustrated, see the success of which they are all capable.

Key Terms

  • Adaptive Behavior: Refers to an individual’s social competence and ability to cope with the demands of the environment.
  • Anecdotal Record: A procedure for recording and analyzing observations of a child’s behavior; an objective, narrative description.
  • Annual Goals: Yearly activities or achievements to be completed or attained by the disabled child that are documented on the Individual Educational Plan.
  • Assessment: The process of gathering information about children in order to make educational decisions.
  • Baseline Measure: The level or frequency of behavior prior to the implementation of an instructional procedure that will later be evaluated.
  • Behavior Modification: The techniques used to change behavior by applying principles of reinforcement learning.
  • Hyperactivity: Behavior which is characterized by excessive motor activity or restlessness.
  • Learning Disability: Refers to children with average or above-average potential intelligence who are experiencing a severe discrepancy between their ability and achievement.
  • SLD: Specific Learning Disability.
  • EBD: Emotional or Behavioral Disorder.
  • InD: Intellectually Disabled.
  • ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder. Same as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder but without the hyperactivity.
  • ADHD: Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity. A psychiatric classification used to describe individuals who exhibit poor attention, distractibility, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.
  • Speech Therapy: Therapy for saying sounds and words correctly.
  • Language Therapy: Therapy for difficulty in understanding or using verbal language.
  • OT: Occupational Therapy.
  • PT: Physical Therapy.
  • Mental Disability: Refers to a disability in which the individual’s intellectual level is measured within the sub-average range and there are marked impairments in social competence that prepares students to work in a regular setting.
  • Fine Motor: Small muscle movements, use of hands and fingers.
  • Gross Motor: Coordinated movements of all body parts for performance.